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Nov. 5 2012
Winning the All American Jersey Show at the North American International Livestock Show was Cascadia Iatola Puzzle owned by Gene Iager who lives in Maryland. Puzzle also won the show's best udder award
Nov. 5 2012
There were 45 teams that competed in three dairy judging contests held on November 4, 2012, at the North American International Livestock Show in Louisville, Ky
Nov. 5 2012
Rematch of last year's finals had New York edging Wisconsin in 2012. The National 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl contest has been held since 1980, when just seven state teams competed. This weekend in Louisville,...
Nov. 2 2012
here's a cruel irony to what has been one of the most destructive financial years that dairying has ever seen: The Class III milk price average in 2012 is likely to be the third highest in history
Nov. 2 2012
Family Dairies USA, Madison, Wis., the Manitowoc Milk Producers Cooperative, Manitowoc, Wis., and Milwaukee Cooperative Milk Producers, Brookfield, Wis., formally announced that they would begin member...
Oct. 31 2012
Wisconsin still leads in dairy farms and cheese, but gave the milk production title to California in 1993, nearly 20 years ago. What will the next few years bring? Change is inevitable. It's a fact of...
Oct. 29 2012
The October 25, 2012, editorial, "Hormones could become part of nutrient plans," on page 690, requires a response
Oct. 26 2012
Everyone dies eventually. But when a milk producer passes away it can also mean the end of the dairy, its jobs and family traditions unless some fairly straightforward legal planning has been done to prevent...
Oct. 25 2012
Throughout the Dairy Cattle Welfare Symposium held in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, there was an overarching theme that wrapped through the majority of presentations
Oct. 23 2012
A sea of blue corduroy will flood Indianapolis, Ind., in the next few days. High school agricultural students will descend on the 85th annual National FFA Convention on October 24 to October 27, 2012....
Oct. 22 2012
While it had been predicted for much of the summer, high feed costs have now taken its toll on national milk production. Overall, September milk production fell 0.5 percent when compared to the same time...
Oct. 19 2012
A report last month from a major dairy lender confirmed what many producers already knew: the long era of mostly gradual ebbs and flows in U.S. milk prices and production costs is over
Oct. 18 2012
Water, according to David Beede, with the Department of Animal Science at Michigan State University, is the most essential nutrient for cows
Oct. 17 2012
I'll admit that I'm a bit of a technology geek. I say "a bit" because I am not a video gamer, computer programmer or owner of the latest iPhone
Oct. 15 2012
While the U.S. is a world superpower in being a consumer, we don't rule the oil market. The Wall Street Journal said this morning that government numbers show a 12 percent surge in U.S. crude oil production
Oct. 12 2012
Four Guernseys in the Hoard's Dairyman Herd are Class Production Leaders The Hoard's Dairyman Farm in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, is home to a number of new class leaders in 2012. Dairyman Neon Zest, D-77,...
Oct. 12 2012
Tick… tick… tick. Time is running out fast on what USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack (pictured here) thinks would be a Medusa-headed disaster for U.S. milk producers if a new farm bill is not passed...
Oct. 11 2012
Launched in 2002, the idea behind the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge was to allow students to incorporate the knowledge they had gained in all aspects of dairy management into one competition
Oct. 10 2012
When was chocolate milk invented? Which state had the fewest dairy farms in 2010? These questions and more were asked on our first episode of "Are you smarter than a Hoard's Dairyman editor?"
Oct. 9 2012
"Rethinking your feeding options for 2013" was the topic of discussion on yesterday's (October) Hoard's Dairyman webinar presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois. Drought-stressed feed, low yields...